Researchers validate HydroGraph graphene admixtures

HydroGraph Clean Power, a commercial processor of nanomaterials, and Arizona State University School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment researchers outline the role of high purity (> 99 percent carbon) graphene to elevate concrete performance in an ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering journal report.
Measured against portland cement paste control specimens, HydroGraph fractal graphene aggregate (FGA-1) and reactive graphene (RGA-1) dosed at 0.04 percent helped a) increase early compressive strength by 70 percent and 28-day strength by 15 percent; b) reduce total porosity and critical pore size; and, c) more than double yield stress.
The agents’ potential to function as supplementary cementitious materials indicates a prospective reduction in embodied carbon by 10-15 percent compared to portland cement concrete.